
Krita 5.2.9 Digital painting app for Windows

User Interface Screenshots

Krita Abstract:

Krita is a free and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry. It is a free and open source digital painting application that's comprehensive, feature-rich, powerful, modern and advanced.

Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:

Create and realistic illustrations and artistic drawings - Screenshot of Krita
Create and realistic illustrations and artistic drawings.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px
Modern-looking, but a bit crowded interface - Screenshot of Krita
Modern-looking, but a bit crowded interface.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px
Extensive support for layers and handy symmetry tools - Screenshot of Krita
Extensive support for layers and handy symmetry tools.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px
Quite difficult to overlook by digital artists - Screenshot of Krita
Quite difficult to overlook by digital artists.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px
Easy to make drawings - Screenshot of Krita
Easy to make drawings.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px
Free access to powerful paint software - Screenshot of Krita
Free access to powerful paint software.
Screenshot of Krita - 2564px · 1446px